Not that we've been watching football or anything. No, Barcelona and Manchester have had to get by without us. To be honest, they always do. Instead I've been drawn, quite eagerly, into the role of communications officer for the expedition. All right, that's a bit grandiose, but the fundraising aspect of the ride, coupled with a plunge into social media Twitter and Facebook (not to mention this blog), have generated new projects undreamt of as little as fifteen years ago. Where once there was a private holiday, there is now public commitment to an 'expedition', complete with media statements, photographic and written reportage, and the expectations of an elusive but real audience. If I ever wondered what it would really be like to be Chris Bonington setting out for Everest Base Camp with his South West Face expedition, the eyes of the world upon him, this gives an inkling of what it must have felt like. Maybe I delude myself so as to live out a youthful fantasy. However, just as nowadays we can all be front-line reporters, so we can all be expedition leaders if we care to throw ourselves upon the mercy of the social media communities. And I must say, I've found them as friendly and supportive a bunch as one could hope to meet.
My Twitter username: @proudride
Jennifer's Twitter username: @carpediemgarden
Milestones Ride Facebook page:
Photos: in batches at intervals, when we have a spell at a wireless hotspot. Uploading photos might necessitate multiple coffees ;-). They will appear in the main photostream in reverse chronological order (newest first) and will also be organised into the collection folder on the right of the screen called 'France', within a set called 'Milestones Ride'.
My Twitter username: @proudride
Jennifer's Twitter username: @carpediemgarden
Milestones Ride Facebook page:
Photos: in batches at intervals, when we have a spell at a wireless hotspot. Uploading photos might necessitate multiple coffees ;-). They will appear in the main photostream in reverse chronological order (newest first) and will also be organised into the collection folder on the right of the screen called 'France', within a set called 'Milestones Ride'.
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