Monday 30 May 2011

Eve of departure

Tomorrow will probably be an increasing panic, so I'll post now just to check in. Today has been a round of last-minute jobs, especially at the allotment, where rabbits were flavour of the month - or would have been, had they not been still running around large as life, brazenly eating people's onions, cabbages and peas. Frustrating as this is, we'll have to find a way of co-existing. However, a rabbit-proof fence wasn't quite achievable today. So we'll just have to hope they leave us something for our return.
We had friends round for a meal, which probably sounds impossibly smug and well-organised - except I confess we invited them on condition they cooked for us. You know who your real friends are when you can make such an outrageous proposal!
Now it's early to bed (well, it isn't quite midnight) and early to rise, as there's still a scary amount to do before our departure for London at 7 pm tomorrow.

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